To Hell With Cupid

First I'd like to say Happy Valentine's Day, even though most of us are not so happy on this day. A lot of you are realizing the relationship you thought you were in is not as serious as you thought. Today you might have found out you were a side dish and not the main course or maybe your man just didn't give enough shit about you to make you feel special on this day. Whatever the case may be, don't let this determine your outlook on love and life.

Valentine's day is for suckers, people who need validation in their relationships (most of us). Some people take this day serious and some do not. If your man did nothing for you on this day, do not hold it against him IF he makes you feel special everyday. If a man only makes you feel special on this day with a basic ass dinner and a movie, I hope you do not drop your panties soon after. Those are common things you should do in a relationship anyway, not just on Valentine's Day. Women you need to raise your standards with men and stop letting them WOW you with things they are already supposed to do. It kills me every year on Valentine's day when I see a man and a woman walking hand and hand into a movie and she has the biggest smile on her face as if she is walking down the aisle to get married. Now, I do not know if they had mind blowing sex before hand or not, but I'm sure she was just happy they were going on a date.

If you do have someone NEW in your life and you did not put it out there to the person you are dealing with how important Valentine's Day is to you, then you can not be mad at him if he does nothing for you. Men sometimes need to be guided and given directions on how to make you happy. If you sat back and threw hints at him and he did nothing and made no effort to do anything for you on this day, do not write of him off just yet... Again, this is a made up holiday for suckers and he may not be a sucker... Especially if he makes you feel special on other days besides this day. If you told him and he gave you a lot of excuses of why he can not fulfill your needs on this day, I believe it is safe to say "He ain't shit!"

If you are single, this day should be just another single ass day in your single ass life. Why is it that you wait 'til Valentine's day to get depressed about being alone? If you have kids, family, and friends, make this day about them and stop worrying about not having a man. He will come at some point in your life, JUST NOT TODAY! Bad Timing...(Evil laugh). *see last blog for Bad timing reference*

Anyway, have a good day, treat yourself to something if nobody else will and go see Valentine wit your single friends and have a good laugh... To hell with Cupid and ni99as

Do You Know What Time It Is?

How many of you have been in a "situation" (aka non-committed relationship) with someone, and you think your "situation" is about to go to the next level.... until they hit you with the "I'm not ready for a girlfriend right now?" You start to think there is something wrong with you or there is another girl (could be). You start thinking "what can I do to change his mind?.....Should I lose weight?..Should I jiggle his balls in my mouth?...Should I show him I am girlfriend material and cook his favorite meal?... Or should I break out my sexiest lingerie and ride him like a wild bull while jiggling his balls in my mouth? 

The answer is none of the above, the ni99a aint ready! Stop trying to read between the lines because he said what he meant and there are no lines to read between. Either he does not want YOU to be his girlfriend or he really just does not have TIME for one.  Plain and simple! There is this thing that works against us that women do not understand called "TIMING." A lot of relationships do not work because of bad TIMING. There is nothing you can do to change or make it go faster, it is something you have to deal with. You can wait around and hope that he sees you are the one for him, or you can leave and make him realize what he is missing out on. He then may realize his clock said 6pm and not 6am and come back for you. I am not saying if you leave him he will come back to you when he is ready but at least you are not waiting on his clock to sync up with yours wich it may never do so. 

So stop putting the pressure on your man when he says that right now is not a good TIME for a relationship or if he mentions anything that deals with Time.. even if he sounds like he is about to say Time and just says Tim, just let that man be! Take a few steps back and protect your heart, but keep in contact with him if this is somebody you really want in your life.  You can always be there for him but you can not force him into something he is not ready for (a relationship).  Forcing yourself on to him is only going to hurt YOU and push him away from you.  He told you straight up now is not the time so go sit down somewhere and respect his decision.

(Just a random rant about Timing because I have heard this story way too much in the past month)
Diary of A Mad Light Skinned Woman | TNB